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Global Learning Perspectives

Nick Kemp is passionate about education. Educated in the state sector he went on to the University of London where he was awarded a First in Medieval and Modern History. He then earned a distinction in his MA in International History from the LSE before going up to Balliol College where he was awarded an MSc n Economic and Social History, specialising in the social history of medicine. This led onto his DPhil which explored the History of the British Euthanasia Movement, this was published by Manchester University Press in 2002. From Balliol Nick switched to New College where he did his PGCE Upon coming down from Oxford, he worked in the state sector, initially teaching Religious Studies, but then also taking on lessons for Sociology and History. After two years in the state sector he took up a post at Harrow School as an Assistant Master in History. Here he remained for the next twenty two years teaching a mixture of History and Politics. Nick would serve as Head of Politics, Assistant House Master and then as a House Master. Alongside, his academic profile (he is also a fellow of the Royal Historical Society) Nick ran the Debating Society for many years as well as being involved in drama acting in House plays, in music, co-founding the Orbison Ensemble with a group of boys owing to a shared love of the music of Roy Orbison, and in sport where Nick coached all three major sports: rugby, soccer and cricket. He truly believes in the merits of an all-round education


Dr Nick Kemp

Head of Curriculum and Educational Design

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